
Friday, December 18, 2009


Q. Guruji, You had asked us earlier that we should innovate, but whenever we do that there is a high risk/rate of failure… How do we avoid or minimize this?
I was thinking maybe Guruji will say all failures are stepping stones to success, that a failure just means that this is not the way to do it, and that one should move through failure calmly and sensibly…
He said to minimize, even eliminate failure while innovating, develop your intuition! And how to do that? Meditate, learn Pranayama, do Yoga…

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Questionare for me

Q: How can we strengthen our Sankalpa (intention)?
Sri Sri : With devotion. If there is devotion, Sankalpa is strong. If you are hollow and empty,
Sankalpa is strong.
Q: Guruji, how can we get the best out of ourselves? How can we help to make the world better?
Sri Sri : You can get the best out of yourself when you are aware of your lethargy, your laziness, and you get over it; then it will automatically happen.  The only enemy to talent is
laziness, nothing else.

Two things: patience and getting out of laziness.
Q: In difficult situations, sometimes it’s hard to know if I am running away, or retreating strategically. How to resolve this conflict?
Sri Sri : When you see your strength is less, you cannot face the fight, that’s when you want to run away. So, when you see that, you have to bring more strength to yourself. You should take time. When you are clear about this; “OK, I should do more, I should meditate, I should strengthen myself, and at the right time I will strike, I will tackle the problem.” That is one way.
Second one is prayer. Your worries dominate you if your emotions are dry. When you have pain, you have no worry. When you have worry, you are stuck in the head. There are no emotions. If you are in emotion, you laugh, cry, pray, and you get over it. Worry is wanting to win and having no strength to win. When you realize, “I don’t have any strength and I can’t do anything about it,” then you pray. Prayer is with emotions, feelings.
Q: Guruji, what is the purpose of creation?
Sri Sri : Well… I don’t know the purpose of creation, but before asking the purpose of creation, you should ask: “What is the purpose of your life, human life?” We don’t know why so many galaxies are created, I have no idea! (Audience laughing)
Some galaxies, planets, have life. I don’t know why they are all in round shape, why there were no cubes! (Audience laughing) What is the purpose of keeping everything round? I have no idea!
But what is the purpose of your life? You will have to find that out. You can find that out. Your purpose of life is to enjoy the creation. What is the purpose of creation? Is it to bring joy to you? I have no idea!  (Audience laughing)
The purpose of your life is to bring joy and happiness to the maximum number of people around you. Isn’t it?
Q: Can you say something about how to make a relationship last?
Sri Sri : There are various ways but the best is intuitive, your intuition. If in the relationship, both come from the point of giving then there will be no problem, but if both want to take, there will be fights. I am here to contribute, what I can do for you? Then your relationship will last longer.
Q: When there is a problem in life and you don’t see a solution to this problem and time is running out, what one should do?
Sri Sri : A problem can be in different dimensions. If it is financial, you have to take action. It is not good to simply sit and wait for money to come from somewhere or run to an astrologer.  You have to take alternative precautions. Don’t be too choosy about your job. Take whatever job is available and move on. This is very important. You should have positive thinking and attention and then move ahead.
Similarly, where a relationship is concerned, you don’t sit and wait, not doing anything. In Sanskrit there is a saying “One who puts effort, one who is industrial, and who is courageous, towards such a one, the wealth runs.” So, Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth) goes to him, who is putting effort and who is like a lion- brave and courageous.
But when we are concerned with enlightenment, we cannot just do, do, and do. Relax. Do nothing. Pray. Then knowledge comes.
Q: To change a habit I take 40 days to do something to change it, but I don’t even see it through.
Sri Sri : Then again you start 40 days, you keep going. It’s good if after 38 days it breaks. (Audience laughing) Then you can do it again for 40 days.
Q: How are we able to get rid of very old patterns?
Sri Sri : You have to make an effort and change it. Serve, serve and serve. In serving you are giving, when you are in the trip of only getting, then you cannot get over your patterns. But if you say: “I don’t want to be like that, I only want to give, I want to serve,” when you make that big shift, everything changes.
Why are you going to Satsang, for example? Are you there to get joy for yourself or are you going there so you can help, contribute. You go to Satsang and give some juice and cookies to everybody or do you just go and enjoy your meditation and kriya and walk out? These delicate, small things make the difference.
Q: I know you have a vision how in big corporations there can be spirituality. The corporate culture and spirituality conference is happening in only two weeks. I work for one such a big corporation and I struggle from the inside because when the times are tough, those values don’t seem to matter.
Sri Sri : Don’t get frustrated, at least you be strong. Have hope. Things will change.
Yesterday night I was watching on CNN about a problem on how young girls and children are being sold in Nepal and India and all these places. Why don’t we all do something? We already freed 600 girls from going to Bombay for prostitution - teaching them and making them economically strong. I think we can duplicate that in all these places. We can raise more funds in that irection and help so many women and save them from financial crises.
We should all focus on doing something about that problem.
Q: What went wrong that so many people lack self-esteem and what can we do to lessen this effect?
Sri Sri : ‘Yes!+’ and ‘Yes We Can’ programs are good for that. We have ‘Yes We Can’ program in Europe. 140 youths from all over Europe participated. You should see how they came, and how they are after the program, how much self-esteem they gained.
You know, in companies the big difficulty is the middle people, someone in between the supervisors. They want to gain the favor of the top management, so they complain about people below them.  Then people below them complain about the boss and everything becomes messier. Many companies broke down because of that; because of lack of skillful, honest communication. There is no honest and skillful communication. You have to tell your boss your honest opinion and he will appreciate you because of that. First, he may not like it, but later on he will appreciate you. If you tell him lies and one day he discovers that you misled him, then he will be unhappy with you also. So, a skillful presentation of facts, honest, even if it is bitter, and put in nice manners, is needed. These skills come when you become a yogi, skillful in action. Yoga means skill in action. When does this come? It comes when you unite with your Self in meditation.

Happy but not satisfied

Happiness is now become my khus to rahna hi padega..But there is something a lack of a spark in my life....i  m steal searching me ....hope it will changes very soon.

Monday, November 9, 2009

timeless moments

Now after a long break i went for the long kriya this Sunday. Suffering from the dangerous dengue my body becomes so weak that i could not do any asanas even that i wish to do prayanaam n bhashrika n its gave me so much energy . Then the favorite Soham started in the melodious voice of Guruji , the hall was fully packed with newbie people and as usual after kriya there is no place to lie down for all. So i decided to sit after kriya n leave everything on Guruji. And the magic start now........i hear the word u may stretch ur leg n lie down and just after few minute again Guruji said that take attention......O my god 40 min passes as it is only five min.....Really i feel that time is relative n there is no time in meditation. Thanks Guruji for a wonderful experience.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

going to my 2nd home

yup..........i m going to my 2nd home that is native village which is situated in b/w border of Bihar, U.P n Nepal.............a very beautiful place called kateya...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

9 birth in nine days

Navratri is always being mysterious to heart always feel belongings to mother divine. In my opinion d most beautiful & powerful word of d world is "maa". I feel that if u ve a real mother in ur life u ll surely succeed . Let us talk about these nine days ...this period of d year has a change of season n every thing becomes new.. so as Guruji say that this is d period of rejuvenating. and it is taking new birth every day in love of d mother divine.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


miracles happens when u completely surrender .........i ll tell u after coming from Vasad about it my journey has designed...its totally a bliss....

Saturday, August 29, 2009


" Yes i m going to Vasad ashram for this advance course starting from 3rd sept. But how i don't know.....i say yes and surrender it to my Guru....i know that he know that what is needed to me n when.............."

Its an order

“Make it a rule - if you don’t do sadhana, you won’t eat the next meal. Promise yourself that you won't eat till you have finished sadhana. Then it becomes a routine. When doing sadhana, say: “Let me do a couple more bhastrika breaths*, a few more minutes of meditation...” If you make your own rules like this, then there is no limit to the strength you will gain.”

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My 1st day was no even started yet!!!!

Hmm....its really going tough for me that when i ve take d sankalpa for 100 nonstop days for doing kriya regularly in morning at 6:30 AM. yet i m doing my kriya daily but not at that time !!! Actually i used to sleep @ 4 AM so its pretty hard to me but d intension has been taken n it has to manifested.......hey i ve a very video on it...Guruji said about it its d most secret knowledge D most rare knowledge"observe d intension n put attention where u ve to put it whatever u want to manifest."

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

planning for going the Vasad aashram

Its more than one year to have an advance course so i m decided to go at Vasad ashram the best place for meditation in India(a/c to Vishu :)). This place is at river side and love it so from 2 sept to 6 sept i ll be there......jai gurudev...
Today my sweet Sunil Bhaiya called me to inform that i m going to that place....thank you Bhaiya n Thank you Guruji.......i ven't snap of that place but you can see a mind blowing pic of B;lore ashram.

Monday, August 24, 2009

'When action and meditation are balanced then life blossoms naturally'

Bau just discovered that in his article" a precious skill". And Guruji gives more awaking explanation about is........
Q. How to make this life blossom?
Sri Sri: Life blossoms in rest. Two things are important in life- when we are inNivriti (meditation), we have to see everything as ok and believe that it is all being done by God and He is watching over. When we do this, strength, wisdom and devotion increase and then Pravritti (action) comes up automatically.
When we come to Pravritti and see fault in everything, then we can correct it but if the fault-finding tendency stays forever then we get frustrated. Thus we need a balance of both - ‘It is ok’ and ‘It is not ok’. We should also have the strength to correct what is not ok.
Pravitti is knowing that if it is not correct, we can and will correct it. The belief that everything is ok, will be ok in the future and ‘I am ok the way I am’ is Nivriti.
When Pravitti and Nivriti are balanced, then life blossoms naturally.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

the 2nd day "confidence"


“The first principle of the spiritual path is to have confidence in yourself. Without confidence, achievement does not come. Doubt is what opposes confidence. Once you eliminate the negative, you will see that the positive has already happened. When doubt clears, confidence is there. So to gain confidence, you must understand what doubt is.
If you observe the nature of doubt, it is always about something positive. You never doubt what is negative. You know this from your experience. You doubt someone who is honest, but you never doubt dishonesty. You doubt the goodness of other people, but you never doubt their bad qualities. If someone says, ?I love you very much,? you say, ?Really?? But if someone says, ? I hate you,? you never say, ?Do you really?? Understand you r doubt as questioning the positive and having confidence in the negative, and know that if you are having doubt, there must be something good present. Approached in this way, doubt gives you a means to move ahead. I am not telling you to drop your doubt. Doubt as much as you can! Give it your 100%. That will help you through it. Once you cross this barrier of doubt, then further progress comes.”
-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Devote the day to bring the confidence in ourselves and in others.
A small change, create opportunities to do the above.
A Child tries to climb the wall encourage! [Believe he will climb it unhurt]
When Boss comes and gives you more work believe only great can recognize greatness!
When someone shows a boring face go tell them how beautiful their life is!
Do one thing you always wanted to do but never got the guts to do!
Like going in the road and roaring like lion or sheep!
I would definitely try a new stunt with my cycle!
Today I am going bring out the Lion in me Meowwww!!!
Guru Namah
Jai Gurudev!
P:S- Excerpts From 18 Principles for Spiritual Life – Talk by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Friday, August 21, 2009

the first day.......

last night i slept very late so don't wake up at time for sadhna......but now i m going to do is an excerpt from d blog 100-days of kriya today is the day of gratitude....Devote the day to Gratitude.

See a flower, be Grateful you have eyes to see the beauty, nose to smell the fragrance, hands to feel!
See a car, be grateful to those who built these machines that would make our travel easier and comfortable!

See a Auto wala, be grateful to him because he came to rescue you during the peek hour traffic!
See a beggar, be grateful to him because he taught you how not to be!
Be grateful for every thing. A speaker, a dust in the eye, the very breath, the sound, the food…..

Today I am going to feel the Gratitude in every cell of my body and my consciousness!

Have a Grateful Day!

Guru Om!
Jai Gurudev

100 days of kriya

so starting from today ,take a daily one knowledge.I am going to experience a new voyage to inner self.

today is d begining.........

while wondering in the web blog.....i just got a blog its really what i need also started doing my kriya without any nice to see a similar one.
so i m taking a sankalpa for next 100 days to do my kriya....
Also today i talk to my sweet teacher Nanda di, she said to me abt the importance of seva in our life.One thing she said that "girijesh'',tumhare hone ka meaning hona chahie...aur tumhare nhi hone ka v. That means ur presence should speak as well as ur absence.